Gott Gourmet Becomes GG's Dine-O-Rama

Written by Tom Fitzmorris April 02, 2014 13:01 in

The name change explains just about everything. It did to me, anyway: before reading the press release, I knew we'd see meat loaf, macaroni and cheese, and other dishes from the world of the diner. Dave Gott and partner Cindy Potter always gave their restaurant a bit of that, but here comes more. On top of that, GG's is currently offering a special seafood menu for the remaining two and a half weeks of Lent. The Saturday breakfast and Sunday brunch--both big hits for the restaurant since it opened in 2008. It's always good to see a restaurant reinventing itself every so often.

GG's Dine-O-Rama

Garden District: 3100 Magazine. 504-373-6579.

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