Diary 6|6|2017: Meribo: A Little Chilly, But Quieter Tonight.

Written by Tom Fitzmorris June 13, 2017 12:01 in

Tuesday, June 6, 2017. Meribo Sound Turns Down, Temperature Goes Up. In The Rain.
The rain finally seems to have moved away enough that the worry about flooding is gone. Mary Ann and I take advantage of that by making up for an intended dinner at Meribo on Monday. But we were surprised by what we found when we turned up there. The dining room was very sparsely populated. The only reason I could see for this is that the dining room was frigid with air conditioning. I am finding for the first time in my adult life that when I am dining with women--even those whose arms, shoulders, and backs are uncovered--they are more often than not complaining that the dining room is too warm. Meanwhile, there I am in my usual uniform of jacket and tie, finding the place freezing. I do, however, understand that restaurants are built upon the preferences of the ladies. Where the women go will be where the men will follow. So, when MA says something about this, everybody takes it seriously, and the air tones down a bit and the pizza oven fires itself up to help the situation. [caption id="attachment_52561" align="alignnone" width="480"] Meatballs and no spaghetti at Meribo.[/caption] We split the pizza between the two of us. It's not one of the great pizzas in the area, but the North Shore doesn't do pizza very well, and so Meribo tastes good by comparison. We began this meal with "hot tots"--small potato croquettes, almost as satisfying to eat as fresh-cut fries. I have an order of lamb ravioli, which are quite good. Funny how we have five or six restaurants now that whip up a version of lamb with pasta. This is a good one, with a light, vaguely creamy sauce with wild mushrooms, peas, and mint. Well, we enjoyed that well enough. Co-owner Vinnie LeDonne shoots the breeze with us for quite awhile. When we leave, only a few tables are occupied. Must be the weather. In a way I welcome the scene, because it keeps the very loud sound volume much lower than usual.
Meribo. Covington: 326 N. Lee Lane. 985-302-5533.