Jude is my instructor in rebuilding the NOMenu.com website, a project the two of us have worked on for something like six months. We decided a few days ago that Project Beaver (as I have named it, just to save time explaining it in this diary) would grow to infinity if we didn't force the issue by migrating to the new system, even though I really didn't know what I was doing. Today would be our D-Day. Although Jude has spent most of his ten-day visit with his girlfriend and pals, we set aside today to just do it. The changeover opened a Pandora's box of unexpected issues. But it went better than I expected. And Jude knows the software well enough for me to pick up the basics from him. We began the day with a great breakfast of grilled ham (from the leftover quarter of the Thanksgiving ham) and Mary Ann's incomparable hash browns. We got right to work and wrapped up at around midnight. At that point, the website had been moved from my longtime hosting service, Network Solutions, which has become unreliable during the past year. We are with a more expensive but much faster outfit now. The turkey gumbo that always follows Thanksgiving finally came off the stove. Mary Ann made it. I am not allowed to do so, for reasons that I don't even want to think about. She doesn't understand the concept of making roux, but I'd better keep my mouth shut about that.