Monday, March 27, 2017.
Chimes Again.
Sometimes I think that MA coordinates her life so that it will include the maximum number of meals at The Chimes. She loves it for the great view of the Bogue Falaya River's flood plain, which with all the rain lately has been especially beautiful. I dislike the Chimes for its food. They have good grilled and raw oysters, a good hamburger, and that's about all that interests me there.
[caption id="attachment_34351" align="alignnone" width="480"]
The view from the upper deck of The Chimes in Covington. MA loves this.[/caption]
But I go along with lunch there because the logistics of getting each of us to where he or she belongs today is complicated. As it turns out, the service was so inexact that I come close to running late for the radio show. Of all the maddening problems in restaurant operations, the most annoying may be a long time waiting for the check.
I barely make it on the air in time. My eating involved four grilled oysters with a blue cheese crumble over the top, which was better than I expected. And a platter of pasta with fired chicken and a crawfish sauce. Can't say that moved me.
I go along with the MA plan because I'm trying to stay on her good side. She has been busy booking guests for the radio show, something I didn't dare ask her to do, but for which she volunteered. Today we have a moderately busy program beginning with a spokesperson from British Airways talking about his airline's new non-stop from New Orleans to London. That can't help but be a positive for the city.And I'm certain that MA has some plans involving that flight already.
Our second guest is Holly Barrett Johnson, who does p.r. work for the Southern Food and Beverage Museum. They have a good many events coming up in the near future. I continue to be amazed by how far along this project has gone. I was lightly involved with it when it got started a bit before Katrina. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but one that would travel a difficult road to a doubtful success. But I was completely wrong about that.
NPAS begins rehearsals tonight for a concert of the broad range of music with the Motown stamp. The peak for Motown was coincident with my hit-music years. The center of that musical taste for me was the summer of 1967, the epoch centered on my Prom Night. The Four Tops, Stevie Wonder, the Temptations, and the Supremes Supremes controlled heaven and earth. "The Happening" by the Supremes was Number One on Prom Night.
I'm tired forever of the Motown sound. But I'm certain that our director Alissa Rowe will add enough new wrinkles to keep it interesting. And it's almost a certainty that I will not be asked to take part in a duet or a trio, what with my embarrassing forgetfulness of the lyrics of the last NPAS song I was involved with.
The Chimes. Covington: 19130 W Front St. 985-892-5396.