Diary 3|30|2017: Raw Radio Power. Powerful Garlic Oysters.

Written by Tom Fitzmorris April 04, 2017 12:01 in

DiningDiarySquare-150x150 Thursday, March 30, 2017. The Big Transmitter Is Here. The Peppermill's Oysters.
I bump into Joe Pollet, the top engineering guy for our eight radio stations. He says that 105.3 HD2--which is where my Food Show can be found weekdays from three until seven p.m.--now boasts the most powerful HD radio station in the area. It's not only innately powerful, but the fact that its signal is digital, its power is about four times greater than an FM operating analog. Joe says that he has received strong reception reports from Kentwood, seventy miles away as the crow flies. This is why my station made the jump from 1350 AM, which could barely be heard in Kenner or on the North Shore. Now all I have to do is persuade people to buy new radios, or use other methods like streaming, podcasts, and smart phone apps to pick me up. How eager I am to be picked up! [caption id="attachment_37271" align="alignright" width="400"]Oysters Riccobono. Oysters Riccobono.[/caption] Mary Ann can't dine with me tonight, and I had some work to do at the station. I wind up solo for dinner. I am in the mood for something Italian, especially if oysters can be involved. I remember the oysters Riccobono at the Peppermill. It's kind of like Italian baked oysters, with mushrooms and artichokes underneath the layer of Italian bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, garlic and olive oil. The appetizer size version of this is easily big enough as an entree. This place continues to be one of the great Metairie restaurant values, and its food is underrated, too.
Peppermill. Metairie: 3524 Severn Ave. 504-455-2266.
I usually write more diary copy than this, but the violent thunderstorms of yesterday pushed me deep in the weeds. Somebody ought to invent a bicycle-computer combination that allows me to keep working when the power is out. I'll catch this up tomorrow.