Monday, May 1, 2017.
A Stumble.
It is actually against the law for me to get on the air at the radio station and say "Mayday!" That word is reserved exclusively for emergencies, even though most uses of it involve being on a conveyance of some kind--ship, airplane, etc.
I didn't want to take a chance as to whether this would be interpreted too seriously by whoever hears these things on the air. But personally I felt I could have send out that emergency message today. On my way into a restaurant that I go to so often that I need not bring up what I ate or how well it was served, I tripped on a small irregularity in the sidewalk and took a flying four-point landing on the concrete. Didn't hit my head, didn't tear up my trousers, but stretched a few muscles in ways they weren't meant to be stretched--at least, not often. Writing this three days later, it's clear that I wasn't significantly injured. I took my usual brisk walks--one twelve blocks long--and felt only a little ache, and only here and there. But I'm still a bit rattled by the experience.
And when it comes to making me feel better in moments of physical and mental angst, there's nothing like getting back to work and/or play. The radio show was dominated by a visit with Scot Craig, the chef/co-owner of Katie's. We held our usual mutual-admiration society meeting. He didn't even mind that he was in the studio and I was in my home office in Abita Springs as is always the case on Mondays. Most interesting news from him: he is now using the upstairs dining room almost daily, and long lines in front of the restaurant have shortened or even disappeared, depending on the time and the day.
In other activities, the rehearsals for the Motown-theme NPAS concert in June are going well. On the other hand, we didn't run the Michael Jackson songs this evening. I can't get my head around that, compared with the ease of singing the Four Tops music. But as I mentioned above, singing takes a load off my mind and keeps my sanity reasonably intact.