On Friday's Show...

Written by Mary Ann Fitzmorris December 30, 2019 10:39 in On The Radio

On the radio show on Friday, one of our regular callers came in to chat travel with me. Tom was at his annual Jesuit Reunion lunch. Michael 75 as he is called, has traveled to Europe every year for nearly forty years, and he has some stories. I knew this from his calls to the show, and talking travel is one of my favorite topics. He was as good a guest as I expected, with lots of tales to tell.

Tom arrived somewhere in there but had production to do and other things, so he was in and out for the show’s duration. Unfortunately, he was out for most of the second hour, when Greg Sonnier called in to chat about the WYES Seasons of Good Taste dinner he was offering at Gabrielle on the 6th of January. And we talked about the restaurant in general. A great guest as always, it was fun to reconnect. When Tom finally came in to chat, Greg had to go, leaving the conversation in the very capable hands of his daughter Gabbie, the restaurant’s namesake.

It was a good show, which is what usually happens with good guests.

To listen:

Seasons of Good Taste Info: