Grillades and Grits @ Cafe Adelaide

Written by Tom Fitzmorris January 27, 2017 09:01 in

500BestSquareBarbecue Shrimp and Grits @ Cafe Adelaide

Cafe Adelaide has the best breakfast in town outside of Brennan's. This is not merely because the cooking is good, but because the menu includes a lot of classic local breakfast dishes that rarely find their ways onto other menus. Some of these are reworking of classic Brennan-family Creole breakfasts. For a long time, Cafe Adelaide made terrific grillades and grits. It fell off the menu, to be replaces by a version of shrimp and grits with spicy, dark, big New Orleans barbecue shrimp, with the addition of . The grits are stone-ground (when will all grits be made that way?) and chili peppers and prok belly finish up a dish great for a cold morning. CafeAdelaide-ShrimpGrits
Cafe Adelaide. CBD: 300 Poydras St. 504-595-3305.
This is among the 500 best dishes in New Orleans area restaurants. Click here for a list of the other 499. [divider type=""]