Monday, March 28, 2011. More Beans And Hot Sausage. Getting Salty. KABL.

Written by Tom Fitzmorris March 31, 2011 16:25 in

Dining Diary

Monday, March 28, 2011.
More Beans And Hot Sausage. Getting Salty. KABL.

The slow-moving gyre of my days is established. I get up around seven, work at my desk until my either my foot nor my back hurts too much to go on, readjust my position until the ache shifts from one back to the other. After a few iterations of this, I climb into bed, put my injured foot on a stack of four pillows, and either read or nap until I'm thoroughly comfortable again. I try to time this so that I take every-four-hour the pain pill right before the bed bouts.

Somehow, I'm getting a lot of work done this way. That I will have the Lost Restaurants book finished by my Thursday deadline is now a foregone conclusion. (Assuming I don't break my coccyx or something else.)

Mary Ann had a bunch of appointments in town, and left me to fend for myself most of the day. She left behind the second half of the red beans and rice with hot sausage we got from Camellia Café last Monday. I warmed it it, and it warmed me up, in body and soul. Adding to the enjoyment was some salumi Mary Ann brought home from the fete she attended last night. It was an assortment of Italian ham-like cured pork. The best of it was the capicola.

All of it tasted very salty to me, as did the beans. This is my palate adjusting to my dramatically new diet. It's not that I'm eating bland food, but that I'm not eating much of anything at all. I don't miss it, but I am trying not to think about it. The idea of going to a restaurant is so daunting that it hardly gets a toehold. I think I'd prefer just to take another nap.

I'm only slightly embarrassed to say that I am very much enjoying the naps. Adding to that is an internet radio station I found on my internet radio. It's a station called KABL, which for many years played standards, Big Band, Sinatra & Company, and other music I like. That would be nice enough. But what makes it a serious pleasure is that KABL was a San Francisco station, and on all of my trips to the wine country around that magical town KABL provided the sound track. KABL is no longer on the air, but the internet version sounds exactly the same, with the same jingles and the same San Francisco references. (It can be tuned in online at

One of the projects I'd like to undertake is a similar station that would revive the sound that WSMB had in the 1960s. I own the web address What's holding me back is the certain knowledge that it wouldn't make a dime and would eat up a tremendous amount of my time. In other words, it would be a hobby.