Monday, May 31, 2010. Mmorial Day.

Written by Tom Fitzmorris January 20, 2011 21:48 in

Dining Diary

Monday, May 31. Memorial Day, and everything's on low power. I will need every minute of the day (and, as it will turn out, the week) to catch up on what went undone during last week's Graduation Gala.

This is one of the holidays on which I have always done a radio show, even though I know it will be a sleepy time. One day I may have to agree with Mary Ann that I am compulsive on this score. But if I'm not there, the management will fill in with ESPN programming, which will cause a small number of people to believe that I am no longer on the air and never tune in again. It's all I can do to get people over to 1350 to begin with, and I can't lose a soul. (A listener's or my own.)

Not helping the tenor of the day was Mary Ann's insistence that we couldn't so much as think of going out to eat with all the leftovers from yesterday's big party stuffing both refrigerators. I didn't even bother to ask. I just shut up and formed two mini-burgers into one normal-burger, grilled it, and ate it. Then back to work, as torrents of rain fell.