Sunday, March 10, 2013. Daring To Compare. Homemade Red Sauce.

Written by Tom Fitzmorris March 18, 2013 20:04 in

Dining Diary

Sunday, March 10, 2013.
Daring To Compare. Homemade Red Sauce.

Every couple of weeks, I send a reminder to my subscribers that their subscriptions are running low. I write a new one every time, to at least keep it vaguely amusing. For this one, I spent hours going through the restaurant reviews published by the not-so-daily newspaper and the dominant weekly paper. I was pleased to see that has hundreds more current, detailed reviews than either of those two organizations, neither of which runs ratings of the restaurants they cover. But I'm not sure it was worth an entire morning to figure this out.

Today was a kind of fasting day for me. I just had my standard spartan breakfast, and planned on having a sandwich for my main and only other meal of the day. But Mary Leigh, who has The Boy in attendance at our house, made a batch of the fresh-tasting, briefly-cooked tomato sauce she likes on pasta. So I ate a bowl of that. Only my taking an extra-long walk allowed a tiny improvement in my fitness at the end of the day.

Mary Leigh created an offbeat usual dish with her red sauce. Instead of having it with pasta, she cooked some quinoa. That's the darling new South American grain which appeared in this country about twenty years ago, and is finally becoming mainstream. She's trying to lose weight, see. What amazed me most was that The Boy also ate this concoction. He has not shown himself to be a particularly adventuresome diner--about typical for a twenty-one-year-old. But he does what the lady wants him to do. He will go far.