Sunday, May 22, 2011. Snore.

Written by Tom Fitzmorris May 27, 2011 16:29 in

Dining Diary

Sunday, May 22, 2011.

Mary Ann decreed we would not go out to dine today, which is all right with me. I've indulged in more major restaurant meals this week than in any other since the ankle-breaker. After losing whatever number of pounds I have, I don't want to restretch my appetite.

Writing this journal is usually about a week behind. Today, for the first time in year, I caught up to the present. I need to do that anyway. The New Orleans Wine and Food Experience will require a lot of my time. I haven't decided whether I will attend one of the Vintner Dinners on Wednesday, but I'm leaning that way.

The Facebook phenom has got me. I am spending entirely too much time with it, and that's only from keeping up with all the people who want to be my friends. I now have more than Mary Leigh does. I haven't figured out the purpose of the resource yet, but I suspect there must be something I can do with it.

Speaking of my daughter: she returned home this evening from a few days with Jude in Los Angeles at midnight. She says she's in love with California again. Great.