Sunday, May 29, 2011. Ribs On The Green Egg. Corn On The Cob.

Written by Tom Fitzmorris June 11, 2011 15:59 in

Dining Diary

Sunday, May 29, 2011.
Ribs On The Green Egg. Corn On The Cob.

Still can't remember my brilliant idea from yesterday, and am quite depressed about that. Felt as if I had a check in six or seven figures in my pocket, and sent the jacket to the dry cleaners.

But plenty of work kept the mind off that. One of the projects bore fruit: I feel I've made a breakthrough in the Drago's cookbook. There will be a narrative in there, not just recipes. But until today the words weren't getting in line. Now I have a first sentence I really like. Today, anyway. I'll have to look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow to see if it's all that good.

The Marys fixated on the idea of barbecuing and chicken. I can't help them except to give advice from afar. The ribs came out looking beautiful and tasting pretty good, too--although I would have used a sweeter dry rub. The chicken was overcooked, as MA always does.

Ribs and peppers on teh Big Green Egg.

I had a plate of all this and corn on the cob. Don't know where it came from, but I can't remember ever eating had sweeter corn.

I completed tomorrow's newsletter today. Tomorrow I am to have the screw removed from my ankle--a turning point. After that's out, I can begin putting weight on that leg and learning to walk again.