
Written by Tom Fitzmorris April 09, 2011 22:55 in

Seafood Guide


A wahoo is a big fish--getting up to a hundred pounds at times, although they're usually more like fifty or seventy-five. They live in the blue-water areas of the Gulf of Mexico, grow quickly, and are in fairly large supply. The name, I hear, comes from what you say if you catch one; it's supposed to be great sport to pull one in.

Wahoo is a member of the tuna and mackerel family. It's streamlined and very fast. Like tuna, it's more often cut into steaks than into fillets. And it does not stand to be overcooked; do that, and it becomes dry and a bit tough.

The most common method of preparation for wahoo is grilling. However, it's also good in moist preparations, like bouillabaisse or a courtbouillon. I once had a light, tomato-and-holy-trinity sauce with more lemon and black pepper than I was used to finding, plus a few shrimp. It was a spectacular dish.

We used to see more wahoo than we have in the past few years. However, it's been the fish of the day here and there lately, so maybe it's making a comeback. It's underrated at the table, and I wish more chefs would use it.