Eat & Drink

Rocky & Carlo's

613 W St Bernard Hwy 70043

Restaurant Review

Why It's Essential

Rocky's is as intense and unreconstructed a piece of whereyaat culture as exists. It's an old bar and cafeteria-style restaurant serving poor boys (both familiar and unspeakable varieties) and ridiculously overloaded homestyle platters, without a hint of delicacy. Watch other diners carefully, and see some offbeat but quintessentially local tastes express themselves. (Example: baked macaroni and cheese drenched with brown gravy.) This is not brilliant food. But it's hard to imagine New Orleans without Rocky & Carlo's.


Restaurants very much like this existed in St. Bernard Parish long before Rocky Tommaseo and Carlo Gioe opened their restaurant in 1965. It has not changed much over the years, and most of those changes were results of disasters (fires, hurricanes, etc.). Nothing has ever knocked the place out permanently--a condition that is unimaginable to most St. Bernard people.

Dining Room

It looks a lot nicer since the most recent renovation (about seven years ago). But it's the most casual of the casual places. Noisy and unintentionally entertaining.

For Best Results

You only need half an order of anything here.

Bonus Information

Attitude 0
Environment 1
Hipness 0
Local Color 2
Service 0
Value 0
Wine 0