These folks pioneered Thai cooking in New Orleans, and their restaurant is still a mainstay. After lagging behind the curve for a few years, the menu has flowered again recently, and has some new dishes for adventuresome diners. They've always been good with the standard Thai dishes here, particularly the various flavors and colors of curry. The premises, despite the location in a secondary old strip mall, are spacious and interestingly decorated. Good daily specials, particularly at lunch.
5-7 pm
These folks pioneered Thai cooking in New Orleans, and their restaurant is still a mainstay. After lagging behind the curve for a few years, the menu has flowered again recently, and has some new dishes for adventuresome diners. They've always been good with the standard Thai dishes here, particularly the various flavors and colors of curry. The premises, despite the location in a secondary old strip mall, are spacious and interestingly decorated. Good daily specials, particularly at lunch.
Attitude | 2 |
Environment | 0 |
Hipness | 0 |
Local Color | 0 |
Service | 0 |
Value | 14 |
Wine | 0 |